The Cheakamus Community Forest is a model of regenerative forestry that mitigates the impacts of climate change, and that the CCF partnership is recognized as a model of reconciliation, supporting the prosperity of the RMOW, Lil’wat and Squamish Nations through a thriving local economy.
Prioritize the ecological health of local forests while respecting their cultural significance to the Lil’wat and Squamish peoples and generating direct economic benefits for the two First Nations and the citizens of Whistler.
CCF Open House Survey
/in NewsThank you for your interest in the Cheakamus Community Forest (CCF). Please review the materials from the February 28, 2022 virtual open house before completing the survey. Harvesting maps can be found on the CCF Harvesting information page. Your feedback about 2021 activities, and plans for 2022 harvesting and wildfire fuel reduction projects is appreciated. […]
Open House – Spring 2022
/in NewsThe Cheakamus Community Forest held a virtual public open house on Monday, February 28 from 4 – 6 p.m. A copy of the presentation is available: CCF_OpenHouse_presentation_Feb28_2022
CCF defers old growth harvesting for 2021
/in NewsStatement on old growth harvesting in the Cheakamus Community Forest: June 11, 2021: Whistler, B.C. – On June 10, 2021, the Cheakamus Community Forest (CCF) Board of Directors met for its quarterly Board meeting and passed the following motion respecting old growth harvesting in the Cheakamus Community Forest: The Cheakamus Community Forest will defer commercial […]
CCF Open House – March 29, 2021
/in NewsThe Cheakamus Community Forest hosted a virtual open house on March 29, 2021 from 4 – 6 p.m. The open house reviewed proposed 2021 harvesting and wildfire project plans, and discussed issues raised by the attendees including old growth harvesting and wildfire fuel thinning treatments. The CCF posted a survey asking for input on the […]
Cheakamus Lake Road Wildfire Project
/in NewsIn 2018, the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) and the Cheakamus Community Forest (CCF) began a 3 year project to thin a total of 113 ha along either side of Cheakamus Lake Road. Phase 3 began November 30, 2020 on the final 20 hectares near the entrance to the road. To allow for efficient and […]
Wedge Logging Spring 2017
/in NewsPublic Concern over Wedge 02 Spring 2017 Harvesting A letter was received by Whistler Council on March 7, 2017 regarding the forest harvesting taking place in the Wedge area north of Whistler. Concerns were expressed over visual impacts, a perceived lack of public information sharing, potential negative impacts to the Comfortably Numb bike trail, and […]
Cheakamus 16 Harvesting starts early April
/in NewsUPDATE: Forest harvesting in Cheakamus Valley complete as of June 30, 2016 Forest harvesting starting in Cheakamus Valley March 30, 2016: Whistler, B.C. – Harvesting in the Cheakamus 16 block of the Cheakamus Community Forest (CCF) will take place this spring, and construction of a one-kilometre access road into the block will begin on Monday, […]
February 1 Open House in Cheakamus Crossing
/in NewsCheakamus Crossing and other Whistler residents invited to Cheakamus Community Forest open house on February 1, 2016 January 21, 2016: Whistler, B.C. – Cheakamus Crossing residents and other Whistler community members are invited to a Cheakamus Community Forest open house on Monday, February 1 from 3 to 6:30 p.m. in the Whistler Hostel meeting room […]