Forest Operations Map
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Access to this information is free and fully open to the public. You can access the FOM Online Portal by visiting
The Cheakamus Community Forest encompasses more than 33,000 hectares of land surrounding Whistler, BC, and began harvesting timber in 2010.
CCF – Overview Map
– shows all the areas of interest for harvesting
CCF – Landscape Overview Map
– shows old growth areas, areas of potential harvest and areas where harvesting will not occur
The CCF has submitted the following harvesting areas for First Nations referrals, archaeological assessment and Ministry of Forests review. We anticipate harvesting the Brandywine BW blocks in spring/early summer 2025.
Brandywine Creek FSR area:
Callaghan Creek FSR adjacent to past fuel thinning project:
2025-R10-Callaghan-North.pdfThe CCF’s assessment of the 2017 pilot project fuel treatment work along the Callaghan Creek FSR indicates that it is still stocked at a high level, is at high risk for fuel loading and may not mitigate an intense fire adequately. We are currently determining what the appropriate removal would be for this area to properly produce an intact fuel break along the FSR and does not negatively impact Canadian Wilderness operations.
After input from the Squamish Nation and Canadian Wilderness, the current area of the planned R10 operations is approximately 65 ha in size, down from 75 ha. They requested that the CCF not go south of the Callaghan FSR and to omit the southwest polygon below the road.
The plan is to conduct a second pass removal on the initial 2017 fuel treatment project (R05, R06, R07) which totaled around 50 hectares. Note that the planned 65 ha is just the gross external area, and there will be similar cutouts/reserves as the original treatment. We are aiming to complete the fuel thinning work in fall 2025.
The CCF is preparing a climate resiliency plan based on a risk assessment of the forests to strategically determine where harvesting/forest management should take place in the future. The goal is to make the second growth and entire forest areas more able to thrive over the long term in the face of climate change and increasing risk from wildfire, drought and pests. This work will replace the 5 year plans that were released in 2024 and be completed in 2025.
16 Mile FSR Harvesting and Wildfire Blocks (combined)
Note: 16 Mile FSR wildfire fuel reduction project is scheduled to begin in 2025 as part of the RMOW’s Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan priority treatment areas.
Individual 16 Mile FSR harvesting blocks:
16 Mile Harvesting Area - Block S02A.pdf
16 Mile Harvesting Area - Block S02B.pdf
16 Mile Harvesting Area - Block S02C.pdf
16 Mile Harvesting Area - Block S02D.pdf
16 Mile Harvesting Area - Block S02E.pdf
Callaghan Valley – P03
Callaghan Valley – P04
Callaghan Valley – P05
Cheakamus 09
Cheakamus 12
Cheakamus 15
Cheakamus 16
Fee 02
N01 (Nineteen Mile FSR above Alpine Meadows)
N01 Proposed future wildfire fuel thinning area.
N03 & N04 (above Rainbow subdivision over to Emerald Estates)
Proposed future wildfire fuel thinning area. N03 & N04
Powder 07
CCF Annual Harvesting Plan Map
Cheakamus Lake Road wildfire fuel thinning project (C04)
Wildfire fuel thinning project underway over winter 2019-20. Road closed to public until spring 2020.
Cheakamus 09
Project is a series of 0.5 – 2.0 ha openings of low and moderate retention. Development is now designed to recover costs associated with connecting road through quarry to Basalt Valley. Assigned to Lil’wat Forestry Ventures. 5,240 m3, 50 year old stand on lower section, old growth on upper.
Cheakamus 09 MapCheakamus 10
Tree retention trial over 25 hectares providing representations of low, moderate and high retention along with a very high retention site. The area is currently accessible from Loggers Lake Road. Originally presented in 2013 plans. 7,094 m3, old growth.
Cheakamus 10 MapCheakamus 12
New planning area from existing Black Tusk/Logger Lake FSR. Development requires minor road upgrade and a series of short branch roads. 7,350 m3, 16.8 hectares total, old growth.
Cheakamus 12 MapCheakamus 15
Sqomish Forestry harvesting wo units in autumn 2018: 5.5 ha and 3.5 ha of moderate retention, and a series of 1-2 hectare openings of low retention. May continue in spring 2019 depending on snow. 4500m3, total area of 14.5 ha, old growth.
Cheakamus 15Cheakamus 16
Opening E may be added to the spring Cheakamus 15 program. Assigned to Sqomish Forestry. Mechanically thinned to moderate retention. 950 m3, 4.5 hectares, 60 year old stand.
Cheakamus 16 MapFee 02
Roads and landings built previously but need upgrading. 7 openings of 1.5 to 2.5 hectares of low retention. Cable yarding. Assigned to Lil’wat Forestry Ventures. 5850 m3, 9.5 ha total, old growth.
Fee 02 MapPowder 07
Lil’wat Forestry Ventures will harvest a series of 6 openings of low retention. Access reworked to come past sled dog base using Branch E10. 11.400m3, 17.4 ha total, old growth.
Powder 07 MapTusk 01
A series of 5 or more openings ranging from 3 – 6 hectares each of moderate retention. Access is from the Daisy Lake Road past the bungee bridge and up an existing but overgrown road system. Extension of the road is along a bench below Crater Lake. Assigned to Sqomish Forestry.
Tusk 01 MapWildfire Fuel Reduction Projects
Cheakamus Lake Road: Prescriptions (plans for how to thin) prepared for 113 hectares of shaded fuel break with an option for two additional vertical upland extensions.
2018 Cheakamus Lake Road Fuel ThinningCheakamus 03 Fuel Thinning Area – a linear shaded fuel break along Cheakamus Lake Road. Road will be closed during winter 2018/19. 33 hectares.
2018 Cheakamus CO3 Fuel Reduction Implementation MapIntegrated Resource Mapping Project & Long Term Harvesting Plans
The CCF completed a major planning exercise in 2015. It identified Old Growth Management Areas for the provincial planning process, as well as identified areas of voluntary protection from harvesting called Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) Reserves, potential Fuel Management areas, and Special Management Zones that require additional consultation with First Nations and/or commercial recreation operators if harvesting is proposed.
Integrated Resource Mapping Final Report
Legislated Reserves (Old Growth Management Areas, Ungulate Winter Range, LRMP Wildlands, etc.)
Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) Reserves (Voluntary)
Special Management Zones (Areas where CCF will participate in further discussion with key stakeholders when planning harvesting.)
Fuel Management Areas (Potential Areas of Fuel Management)
Once the areas of protection were identified, the CCF developed a long term harvesting plan showing two phases: 1-3 years of logging that given favourable market conditions will be harvested; and a 4-10 year conceptual plan showing areas of interest that will need more ground truthing but will likely see harvesting.
1 – 3 Year Logging Plan 4 – 10 Year Potential Harvesting AreasCheakamus Crossing Neighbourhood Open House Presentation
Shares information about proposed harvesting and fuel management locations in the Cheakamus Valley.
Cheakamus Valley Harvesting & Fuel Management PlansRoad and Bridge Atlas Map 2013
Road locations and responsibilities.
CCF Road Atlas and Bridge Map 2013-03-112018 Harvest Sites Maps and Information
November 10, 2017: The Cheakamus Community Forest Board reviewed the proposed 2018 harvesting plans at its Board meeting on November 9, 2017. It approved the 2018 plans as presented with the exception of Cheakamus01 which will not be harvested in 2018. The CCF will defer a final decision on Cheakamus 01 pending further review and stakeholder input. Approved blocks include:
CCF 2018 – 2020 Development Plan: CCF plans for 2018 – 2020.
CCF 2018 Planned Activities Map & Summary: this map shows all harvesting and wildfire fuel reduction (thinning) projects proposed for 2018. The summary describes the harvesting.
Cheakamus15: Access was regained in October 2017. C15A and B are 5.5 and 3.5 ha of moderate retention and may include a series of up to 12 small openings of 1-2 of low retention. 6,350 m3 of old growth. Future Managed Habitat Area with specified retention objectives for spotted owl.
Fee01: F01A is a 4.6 ha opening of low retention. Provides early operating area as part of Dority mainline road re-development. 2,530 m3 of old growth.
Fee02: Fee02 is three openings of 1.5 to 3.2 hectares of low retention. Roads and landings are already built. 5,050 m3 of old growth.
Deferred for 2018: Cheakamus01: Cheakamus01 will be a combination of 8 openings of moderate and low retention. With Heli log option on an additional 8 very small low retention openings of 0.2 to 1.5ha in size. 9,140 m3 conventional logging, 5,200 m3 heli logging. Old growth.
Cheakamus10: Cheakamus 10 will be a retention trial over 25 hectares providing two representations of low, moderate and high tree retention, along with an option of very high tree retention. 10,200 m3 old growth.
Cheakamus Lake Road: Prescriptions (plans for how to thin) prepared for over 130 hectares of shaded fuel break with an option for two additional vertical upland extensions.
2018 Cheakamus Lake Fuel Thinning
The CCF completed a major planning exercise in 2015. It identified Old Growth Management Areas for the provincial planning process, as well as identified areas of voluntary protection from harvesting called Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) Reserves, potential Fuel Management areas, and Special Management Zones that require additional consultation with First Nations and/or commercial recreation operators if harvesting is proposed.
Integrated Resource Mapping Final Report
Legislated Reserves (Old Growth Management Areas, Ungulate Winter Range, LRMP Wildlands, etc.)
Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) Reserves (Voluntary)
Special Management Zones (Areas where CCF will participate in further discussion with key stakeholders when planning harvesting.)
Fuel Management Areas (Potential Areas of Fuel Management)
Once the areas of protection were identified, the CCF developed a long term harvesting plan showing two phases: 1-3 years of logging that given favourable market conditions will be harvested; and a 4-10 year conceptual plan showing areas of interest that will need more ground truthing but will likely see harvesting.
4 – 10 Year Potential Harvesting Areas
Rainbow05 (R05 on Key Map). Lower Callaghan gravel forest service road. 3 hectares completed in 2014 with 6 ha remaining (subject to RMOW wildfire management priorities).
Rainbow04 (R04 on Key Map). South of Function Junction above highway. Fuel modification area as designed in Forest Stewardship Plan. 4.2 ha mechanized thinning with 13.9 ha of hand pruning and burning onsite. (subject to RMOW wildfire management priorities and BC Hydro participating in re-opening the access road).
Shares information about proposed harvesting and fuel management locations in the Cheakamus Valley.
Cheakamus Valley Harvesting & Fuel Management Plans
Due to a variety of circumstances, the CCF only harvested a few areas in 2015 for approximately 5,000 m3 of volume. As a result, 2016 plans are mainly the same as 2015.
Rainbow04 Openings A, B (Ro4 on Key Map), 1040m3, 45-80 year old forest, 2 openings: 1.0 and 2.6 hectares, low and high retention. Requires BC Hydro participation to re-open the road.
CallaghanA01 Openings A, E, G (A01 on Key Map), Cultural Management Area, 3800m3, old forest, 11 low retention openings <1 ha between road systems. Cal – A01 Openings A, E, G
CallaghanA01 Openings Q, R (A01 Q, R on Key Map), Cultural Management Area, 3150m3, old forest, 2 moderate retention openings of 1.8 and 4.5 ha
Wedge02 Openings B, C, D (Wedge02 on Key Map), 3250m3, harvesting and clearing of penstock route is subject to Wedge Creek run-of-river project commencement. 2 openings of moderate retention and 1 opening of high retention.
Wedge08 Openings Cii – Cvii (W08 on Key Map), 5220 m3, 6 moderate retention openings ranging from 0.9 ha to 4.6 ha
Powder07 (P07 on Key Map) 5 openings from 1.8 ha to 4.1 ha of low-moderate retention. Road upgrade started in 2014 to 3km of existing Dority Main, through old mine site and using old felled right of way. Harvesting would take place over 2 or more years once road sytem established.
Cheakamus16 (CK16 on Key Map) 5 openings ranging from 1.7 to 6.5 ha. Moderate, High and Very High Retention (single entry). ~6,100 m3, mixed stand age. Previously deferred, Lil’wat Forestry Ventures is responsible for harvesting starting with road construction April 4, log hauling 4-6 weeks later for 12 – 15 days, and completing the work in approximately 2 months. BC Hydro has recently upgraded access along Jane Lake road with brushing roadside vegetation Includes upgrading existing access to Ck15 and potential for Jane Lake Recreation Road Loop.
Rainbow13 (R13 on Key Map) Access through WOP to develop one moderate retention and 4 low retention openings. 5050 m3, old growth.
Rainbow04 Openings A, B (Ro4 on Key Map), 1040m3, 45-80 year old forest, 2 openings: 1.0 and 2.6 hectares, low and high retention. Requires BC Hydro participation to re-open the road.
Brew01 Openings J, K, L (B01 on Key Map), 4800m3, old forest, 3 openings: 1.0, 2.7 and 3.3 ha low-moderate retention.
CallaghanA01 Openings A, E, G (A01 on Key Map), Cultural Management Area, 3800m3, old forest, 11 low retention openings <1 ha between road systems. Cal – A01 Openings A, E, G
CallaghanA01 Openings Q, R (A01 Q, R on Key Map), Cultural Management Area, 3150m3, old forest, 2 moderate retention openings of 1.8 and 4.5 ha
Wedge02 Openings B, C, D (Wedge02 on Key Map), 3250m3, harvesting and clearing of penstock route is subject to Wedge Creek run-of-river project commencement. 2 openings of moderate retention and 1 opening of high retention.
Wedge08 Openings Cii – Cvii (W08 on Key Map), 5220 m3, 6 moderate retention openings ranging from 0.9 ha to 4.6 ha
Powder07 (P07 on Key Map) 5 openings from 1,8 ha to 4.1 ha of low-moderate retention. Road upgrade started in 2014 to 3km of existing Dority Main, through old mine site and using old felled right of way. Harvesting would take place over 2 or more years once road sytem established.
Rainbow05 (R05 on Key Map). Lower Callaghan gravel forest service road. 3 hectares completed in 2014 with 6 ha remaining (subject to RMOW wildfire management priorities).
Rainbow04 (R04 on Key Map). South of Function Junction above highway. Fuel modification area as designed in Forest Stewardship Plan. 4.2 ha mechanized thinning with 13.9 ha of hand pruning and burning onsite. (subject to RMOW wildfire management priorities and BC Hydro participating in re-opening the access road).
Rainbow04 (R04 on Compartment Area Key Map), 1042m3, mature forest, 2 openings of 2.6ha and 1.0ha, low retention.
Brew02 (B02 on Key Map), 1100m3, mature forest, 1 opening of 4.2ha, low retention
Brew01 (B01 on Key Map), 3850m3, Old forest, 4 openings ranging from 1.1 to 4.4ha, low and moderate retention (single entry).
CMA-A01 6496m3, old forest, 6 openings ranging from 1.6 to 10.9ha, variable retention with internal reserve timber and future harvest potential.
CMA-A01 (Strip cable logging) 3300m3, old forest, logging 4 strips at 1.5ha each between Branch E5 and Forester’s Main road.
Wedge02 ((W02 on Key Map) 2068m3, mature and old forest, 2 openings of 6.2ha and 4.8ha. Moderate and high retention.
Wedge02 Harvesting Plan Map 2014
Wedge08 (W08 on Key Map) 4840m3, mature forest, rights of way and various clearing for Independent Power Project.
Powder07 (Po7 on Key Map) Road Construction in preparation for 2015 logging. Will provide access to 10 openings ranging from 1.6 to 6.8ha. Low retention, single entry; and moderate patch retention with 2 pass entry.
Fee03 (F03 on Harvesting Location Map), 7882 m3, (25 openings ranging from 0.1 to 1.4 hectares (ha), low retention, multiple entry shelterwood)
Fee03 Harvesting Plan Map April 2013
Brew03 (B03 on Harvesting Location Map), 5635 m3, 7 openings ranging from 0.5 to 5.1 hectares, Low retention with moderate to high retention in Riparian Management Zones, single entry)
Brew03 Harvesting Map April 2013
Powder07 (P07 on Harvesting Location Map), Road construction in 2013, harvesting in 2014
Rainbow04 (R04 on Harvesting Location Map), 1880 m3, 3 openings ranging from 1.0 to 4.2 hectares, wildfire management focus
Rainbow04 Harvesting Plan Map April 2013
Wedge Creek (Wedge02 on Harvesting Location Map) 1,235 m3, Access 5 ha of second growth areas with ground based equipment above powerline along existing access and construct branch roads for future cable harvesting.
Wedge02 Harvesting Plan Map April 2013
Callaghan Cultural Management Area A01 (CMA-A01 on Harvesting Location Map) 6,759 m3, Mid elevation ridge above old timber licence area, borders Cultural Management Area.
Callaghan CMA – A01 Harvesting Plan Map April 2013
Powder01 (P01) 785 m3, Complete access loop trail and recover volume to offset and construct permanent culvert. Mature forest, partially harvested in 1920s.
Powder01 Small Scale Logging April 2013
Wedge01 (W01) 600 m3, Two areas (0.6 ha and 1.5 ha) left from 2011 harvest will be made available for high retention harvesting.
Wedge01 Small Scale Harvesting April 2013
Brew01 (B02) Logged in 2002. Recover downed wood and cedar products only.
Brew01Small Scale Harvesting April 2013
Brew 01 (B01 on overview map): Volume to be removed ~5700 m3
Brew 02 (B02 on overview map): Volume to be removed ~4400 m3
Fee 03 (F03 on overview map): Volume to be removed ~4650 m3
Rainbow 13 (R13 on overview map): Volume to be removed ~5560 m3
Wedge 01:
Powder 01
Fee 02
Rainbow 02
Rainbow 03:
Brew 02:
Cheakamus Community Forest reports:
2019 Harvest Sites Maps and Information
The Cheakamus Community Forest is a model of regenerative forestry that mitigates the impacts of climate change, and that the CCF partnership is recognized as a model of reconciliation, supporting the prosperity of the RMOW, Lil’wat and Squamish Nations through a thriving local economy.
Prioritize the ecological health of local forests while respecting their cultural significance to the Lil’wat and Squamish peoples and generating direct economic benefits for the two First Nations and the citizens of Whistler.